South Africa Termination of Pregnancy Bill

This year the "Termination of Pregnancy Bill" will become law in South Afica. This bill promises to enforce abortion on demand, destroy all conscientious opposition to abortion, remove all doctors or nurses who object to abortion and force all South Aficans to become participants in abortion by taxation and medical fees. The Minister may designate any facility, including Catholic Hospitals, as abortion sites.

Every woman, including minors, will have the right to choose abortion. Should parents or fathers of the babies try to stop the abortion, they will be liable to fines and/or imprisonment up to 10 years. Only state approved social workers will be able to counsel pregnant women. This will prevent pro-life services from counseling her. This bill falls short of China's abortion policy only in that it doesn't mandate abortion for women who already have one child.

(Source: Living World, Winter, 1997)

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