American Victims of Abortion (AVA)

The truth is - we are all victims of abortion! Everyday, 4,000 more children lose their lives in the violent act of abortion. These lives are the obvious lost victims, but what about the people who surrounded those brief lives?

Every baby who dies in an abortion has a mother, father, grandparents, a whole family whose lives are connected to that little life. Each one of those people is affected by abortion's tragedy in some way.

Every abortion also creates these secondary victims. The membership of American Victims of Abortion (AVA) is made up of all the peple intimately touched by abortion. From our point of view at AVA, we must accept and acknowledge these victims too. When we've done that we will really understand how deeply legalized abortion affected our society.

AVA is committed to exposing the truth of abortion's tragedy in our communities. Abortion as a cure to the problems we or our neighbors face is the ultimate deception. Abortion cannot cure or create hope, the choice of abortion can only kill.

The primary work of AVA involves broad-based public awareness campaigns. Some of our efforts involve legislative initiatives and judicial activity. Members work with the pro-life movement to save lives through public speaking, lobbying, media appearances and writing. AVA is not directly involved in counciling work but does refer to other groups when possible.

AVA is aware of the need for much in-depth work in the area of post-abortion healing. Our members support and encourage the development of honest, caring support systems across the country.. We are encouraging further research into Post-Abortion Syndrome because we believe understanding is the key to healing.

What AVA is all about is hope and purpose. Anyone who knows the pain of a life lost can play a part in our work.


419 7TH STREET - SUITE 500

TEL: 202-626-8800

(please mention Pro-Life Council when you call or write)

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