Papers, Lectures and Testimony on Euthansasia and Assisted Suicide
- "Euthanasia Poisons People and Societies" (2024) by Wesley J. Smith, senior fellow at the Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism
- "Oregon Death with Dignity Act access: 25 year analysis" (2023) by Claud Regnard, Ana Worthington and Ilora Finlay. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care
- "Physician-Assisted Suicide and the Autonomy Myth" (2021) by Ronald W. Pies, MD, Cynthia M.A. Geppert, MD, MA, MPH, MSBE, DPS.
- "Against Assisted Suicide: Should psychiatrists help patients end their own lives, even if it is technically legal?" (2021) by Ronald W. Pies, MD, Mark S. Komrad, MD, Cynthia M.A. Geppert, MD, MA, MPH, MSBE, DPS, Annette Hanson, MD.
- "Euthanasia in Belgium: Shortcomings of the Law and Its Application and of the Monitoring of Practice" (2021) by Kasper Raus, Bert Vanderhaegen and Sigrid Sterckx from Ghent University.
- "Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide - When Choice is an Illusion and Informed Consent Fails" (2020) by Dr. Gregory K. Pike.
- Testimony Opposing Assisted Suicide (2020) . . . Anne Hanson, MD.
- "Conceiving The Unconceivable: Ethical And Clinical Concerns Over Assisted Suicide For People With Mental Disorders" (2020) . . . Bernardo Carpiniello. Journal of the Italian Society of Psychiatry (Mar 2020, Page 8)
- "Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide are Unethical Acts" (2019) . . . Ewan C. Goligher, MD, Maria Cigolini, MD, Alana Cormier, MD, Sinead Donnelly, MD, Catherine Ferrier, MD, Vladimir A. Gorshkov-Cantacuzene, MD, Sheila Rutledge Harding, MD, Mark Komrad, MD, Edmond Kyrillos, MD, Timothy Lau, MD, Rene Leiva, MD, Prof. Renata Leong, Sephora Tang, MD, John Quinlan. World Medical Association Journal (May 2019, Page 34)
- "Why Euthanasia Is Unethical" (2018) . . . Dr. Rene Leiva, Dr. Tim Lau, and Gordon Friesen. World Medical Association Journal (December 2018, Page 33)
- Euthanasia and assisted suicide for people with an intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorder: an examination of nine relevant euthanasia cases in the Netherlands (2012-2016) (2018) . . . Irene Tuffrey-Wijne, Leopold Curfs, Ilora Finlay and Sheila Hollins
- Moral Disengagement - Mechanisms Propelling the Euthanasia/PAS Movement (2018) . . . Fabian Stahle
- An Analysis of the British Medical Association Report "End of Life Care and Physician-Assisted Dying" (2016)
- Non-Faith-Based Arguments Against Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia (2016) . . . Daniel P. Sulmasy, M.D., Ph.D., John M. Travaline, M.D., Louise A. Mitchell, M.T.S., M.A., E. Wesley Ely, M.D., M.P.H.
- How Does Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide Affect Rates of Suicide? (2015) . . . David Albert Jones, D.Phil, David Paton, Ph.D
- Carter Snead Lecture: "Physician Assisted Suicide: Objections in Principle and in Prudence" (2014) . . . Living and Dying Well (LDW)
- "Should We Legalize Voluntary Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide? " (2013) by William L. Saunders, J.D. and Michael A. Fragoso.
- "Legalizing Euthanasia or Assisted Suicide: the Illusion of Safeguards and Controls" (2011) by Dr. Jose Pereira, professor at the University of Ottawa and palliative care physician at Bruyere Continuing Care and The Ottawa Hospital in Ottawa, Canada.
- "Assisted suicide laws create discriminatory double standard for who gets suicide prevention and who gets suicide assistance: Not Dead Yet Responds to Autonomy, Inc." (2010) by Diane Coleman, is the President and CEO of the national disability rights group, Not Dead Yet.
- "'Death With Dignity': A Recipe For Elder Abuse and Homocide (Albeit Not By Name)" (2010) by Margaret K. Dore, JD
- "Killing us softly: the dangers of legalizing assisted suicide" (2010) by Marilyn Golden, , policy analyst at the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF), the United States' foremost national law and policy center on disability civil rights, and Tyler Zoanni.
- "Withholding and Withdrawing Neonatal Therapy: An Alternative Glance" (2003) by Carlo Bellieni, MD